Stop asian hate
AAPI Communities around the U.S. raising over $33 million worth of donations for COVID-19 relief
As the coronavirus pandemic severely disrupted life in the U.S., grassroots AAPI endeavors emerged across the country to raise monetary and personal protective equipment (PPE) donations for essential institutions such as hospitals, police stations, and fire departments. The AAPI community has donated over $33 million to over 2,800 institutions and 10 million PPE, including:
- N95 Masks: 2,507,727
- Medical Masks: 6,769,248
- Gloves: 1,332,375
- Goggles: 126,852
- Protective Gowns: 214,398
ILF has launched the website to document and honor efforts made by AAPI communities. Many AAPI organizations around the country have offered their contribution information, including:
- Committee of 100
- Tzu Chi USA
- Hsu Educational Foundation
- Daofeng and Angela Foundation
- Rhode Island Chinese American Association
- Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce of North America (TCCNA)
- Nailing it for America
- New York Young Entrepreneurs Roundtable
- Global Federation of Chinese Business Women
- and 300 other AAPI organizations

We stand together to #StopAsianHate
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, hate crimes related to coronavirus are rising in the United States. Asian Americans are targets of verbal harassment, shunning, physical assault, being coughed/spat on, and refusal of service or workplace discrimination due to misconceptions and misinformation about the spread of the virus.
What’s Happening
- Eight innocent people were killed in Atlanta spa shootings on March 16, 2021. Six of them were Asian American women.
- More than 3,800 anti-Asian hate incidents have been self-reported since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic.
- More than 68% of reported hate incidents targeted Asian American women.
- There has been a 150% increase in hate crimes against Asian Americans in 2020.
Report Hate Crime to Law Enforcement
STEP 1: Report Hate Crime to Law Enforcement
STEP 2: Contact the FBI online
STEP 3: File a complaint with your local state Attorney General’s office
Document Hate Crime
We encourage community members who have experienced anti-Asian hate to document and share their experiences at, which is accessible in Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese.