
National Endorsements

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Our Sponsors

Joseph Biden, 46th President of the United States
“Organizations like the International Leadership Foundation (ILF) are crucial to building a better America. You help create a sense of belonging for AA and NHPI communities and support the next generation of AA and NHPI leaders. By providing scholarships to students, offering mentorship to entrepreneurs, and combating hate, you help bring the American Dream within reach for so many.”

Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States
“For two decades, the ILF has helped future Asian Pacific American leaders develop the essential skills needed to succeed in their respective fields through internships, lectures, seminars, and networking opportunities.”

Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States
“Organizations like ILF empower young AAPIs to actively take part in the country they call home. Your efforts not only make AAPI voices known across government, in boardrooms, and throughout communities around our country—they also pave the way toward a brighter and more inclusive future.”

George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States
“I appreciate all those involved with the ILF for your commitment to excellence and your many contributions to the APA community. Your efforts help give students the foundation they need to reach their full potential and become our next generation of leaders.”

Katherine Tai, U.S. Trade Representative
“For 21 years, the ILF has been an important resource for the AANHPI community…you have given a platform to a generation of entrepreneurs, community leaders, and young leaders and connected them with opportunities that help them grow in their careers.”

Xavier Becerra, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services
“I applaud ILF’s role in cultivating countless young AAPI leaders in the public service and entrepreneurship fields and in the international arena. These young leaders will shape the future of AAPI community.”
​Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader
“One thing I learned about the Asian-American community is that you don’t have to tell anybody to work hard…working hard is part of [Asian Americans’] DNA. That’s why America is the perfect place for Asian American immigrants…because [their] reward for hard work is success.”
Nancy Pelosi, Speaker Emerita of the House of Representatives
“The International Leadership Foundation’s efforts to promote civic awareness, involvement and effectiveness of the Asian Pacific American community are helping to create a more vibrant future for us all.”

Kevin McCarthy, Former Speaker of the House of Representatives
“For 20 years, the ILF remains a cornerstone of the AAPI community. Your efforts have provided countless of America’s future leaders the training they need to succeed in a changing world…it is through your wisdom and determination that our next generation will be made fit to lead our country and the world.”

​​Elaine L. Chao, 18th Secretary of Transportation and 24th Secretary of Labor
“For over [20] years, the ILF has been dedicated to helping the advancement of the [AAPI] community into mainstream America. By mentoring, cultivating and investing in our youths, the ILF is helping to build a world of more diverse leaders.”
​​Gary Locke, Former U.S. Ambassador to China
“In promoting excellence, achievement and opportunity for a new generation of APA students and scholars, the International Leadership Foundation is helping to build a stronger community and a better America for us all.”
​Steven Chu, Former U.S. Secretary of Energy
“By promoting civic awareness and public service in the Asian Pacific American community, ILF furthers the development of young leaders to help them realize their full potential and strengthen the community.”
​Eric K. Shinseki, Former Secretary of Veterans Affairs
“I take special pride in the accomplishments of Asian Americans in this country. I applaud the ILF’s efforts to recognize and increase these achievements, and extend my best wishes to all in attendance.”
​​Richard J. Durbin, U.S. Senator, Illinois
“As a major national organization, ILF promotes the civic awareness, involvement and effectiveness of the future leaders of the Asian Pacific American community.”
​Dianne Feinstein, U.S. Senator, California
​“The International Leadership Foundation has been supporting and preparing tomorrow’s leaders for nearly a decade. Your efforts have played a major role in the lives of the young leaders you support and have built a tremendous legacy of public service.”
​​Mazie K. Hirono, U.S. Senator, Hawaii
“The International Leadership Foundation plays an integral role in fostering public service, civic engagement, and economic development in the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities.”
​Mark R. Warner, U.S. Senator, Virginia
​“The programs and services [ILF] offers provide important resources to promote public service and economic effectiveness of the Asian Pacific American communities.”
​​Chris Van Hollen, U.S. Senator, Maryland
“In working to promote civic and political participation and economic vitality as it develops young leaders, [ILF] has changed the lives of countless Asian Pacific American youth [and] helps position the U.S. to succeed.”
​​Ed Case, Member of Congress ​
“I commend the International Leadership Foundation for mentoring aspiring students getting their start in all facets of our community. Your efforts have allowed for a greater representation and participation by Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in building and developing businesses, organizations and institutions.”
​Judy Chu, Member of Congress
“I applaud ILF for your tremendous work to promote civic awareness, public service, and economic effectiveness in the Asian-American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community.”
​​​Doris O. Matsui, Member of Congress ​
“This notable fellowship program has established itself as a vital component in encouraging civic awareness among members of the APA community, and has continued to energize countless students and promote their life-long quest for knowledge.”
​Grace Meng, Member of Congress ​
“The ILF affords incredible opportunities to domestic and international students, which yield progressive and diverse perspectives. With its steadfast commitment, the International Leadership Foundation plays a pivotal role in shaping the leaders of tomorrow.”
​Amata Coleman Radewagen, Member of Congress
“ILF remains committed to the development of young up and coming AAPI community members, and their efforts to improve governance at the federal level…the introduction of innovative and progressive ideas can help invigorate AAPI communities and the nation as a whole.”
​​Barbara A. Mikulski, Former U.S. Senator, Maryland ​
“I am so grateful for the exceptional service provided by all the members and volunteers of the International Leadership Foundation.”
​​Xavier Becerra, Attorney General, California
“I applaud ILF’s role in cultivating countless young AAPI leaders in the public service and entrepreneurship fields and in the international arena. These young leaders will shape the future of AAPI community.”
​​​Mike Honda, Former Member of Congress
“ILF is one of the premier organizations fostering Asian Pacific American participation in civic life through the ILF Public Affairs Fellowship Program. I am confident that the ongoing work of ILF will continue to cultivate tremendous success for our community.”
​​​Bobby Jindal, Former Governor of Louisiana
“Through your efforts you are helping to not only shape today’s students into the leaders of tomorrow, but creating a culture of support and excellence that will benefit Asian Pacific Americans for generations.”
​​​Arnold Schwarzenegger, Former Governor of California
“I commend your efforts to provide enriching opportunities for your people that excite their interest in the academic, business, professional or public arenas.”
​​​Jackie Chan, International Superstar
“Your work encourages me to further pursue my dream of someday making the world a better, more peaceful place for future generations everywhere.”
​Yumi Hogan, First Lady of Maryland
“ILF…works to nurture and build young leaders in the [APA] community that is so important to our country…I hope we can continue to find ways to work together to make our nation a better place for all cultures to live, raise a community, and settle down.”

​The late Hon. Norman Y. Mineta, Former U.S. Secretary of Commerce and Transportation
“The ILF promotes and fosters bright APA youth to understand the inner-workings behind this great country’s national government, and through the ILF, it is ensured that advancement in this regard is being made.”

​The late Daniel K. Inouye, Former U.S. Senator, Hawaii
“I commend the ILF’s commitment to the Asian Pacific American community. Its enduring legacy has exemplified a unifying strength in our community and demonstrates what can be achieved through hard work and diligence.”
​The late Daniel K. Akaka, U.S. Senator, Hawaii
“For over a decade, the ILF has been dedicated to supporting and guiding the future leaders of the Asian community; an important task they have proven themselves worthy of handling.”

Greeting Letters


National Endorsements

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